I've been a Colorado wedding and portrait photographer since 2006 in the days of photography yore. Every client is family to me and I love to grow and document each and everyone's most emotional moments and bundles of joy whether they be human or furbaby. It's very much the happiest days of a person's life and I feel purpose while documenting those moments.
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Must Ask Questions for your Wedding Photographer Every year when I am meeting with clients, it never fails that some bring in a question list from a wedding site or spiral notebook that has, “must ask questions for your wedding photographer.” If you didn’t already know, a great way to get noticed online is to […]
February 16, 2022
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Colorado Springs Proposal Photographer Proposals are in the air! From about beginning of November to the end of the year, about 40% of the engagements happen. Come January, this makes for a very busy month of inquiries and bookings especially for photographers. If you are considering proposing to your partner, you should know that it […]
January 6, 2022
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Getting married is a long tradition throughout cultures around the world. As time goes on, weddings have changed in style and even meaning. Marriage has not just changed with each century but with each decade or even within an unprecedented year like 2020. Before last year, couples were already considering micro-weddings and elopements. However, 2020 […]
February 15, 2021
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Every year has wedding dates that are particularly popular. Last year, it was 10/10 and I photographed two elopements on the same day, which is not something I normally do. October 10th, 2020 was so popular though, so I made it work. I must have seen at least 100 other couples at Garden of the […]
January 12, 2021
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Nathan and Brandy wrote their own vows for their Garden of the Gods elopement. They were so heartfelt and made everyone cry (including me!) It’s getting more and more common for people to forgo the standard wedding vows, in lieu of more personalized ones. I can’t even remember the last wedding I photographed where the […]
January 6, 2021
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I was so honored I got to be a park of Amy and Nathan’s wedding day. I actually met Nathan a few years ago when he was a best man at one of my other client’s weddings. These two did everything right and really nailed how to get married in a pandemic. They kept a […]
September 21, 2020
We are __________________________________ and we are so absurdly _________________________
to talk about our _________________________________ that is coming up on ____________________.
We saw you on ___________________________
and we love _________________________________. You can email us at __________________________________ or call us at _______________________.
Oh, and we also want you to know:
We are __________________________________ and we are so absurdly _________________________ to talk about our _________________________________ that is coming up on ____________________.
We saw you on ___________________________ and we love _________________________________. You can email us at __________________________________ or call us at _______________________.
Oh, and we also want you to know:
Now how do we make this official?
Set a date, with me! If I don’t have the date, my clone, a.k.a. associate, Jamie can fill my shoes.
We have a little chat so you know I’m not an A.I. robot and I know you aren’t a Nigerian prince and I answer all your questions. We figure out how long you’d like me there. Don’t worry, if you grow to love me, you can always add time. Elopements are cool too.
After digitally signing a contract and wiring bitcoin to my Swiss bank account (a joke of course), I am officially booked! The retainer makes sure I hold the date for only you. We also have special pricing for select preferred venues that we love. If that wasn’t enough to convince you, I also Regina Georged about 100 clients to leave all 5 star reviews and A.I. made some sweet pics for my site (jk).
Now how do we make this official?
1. Set a date, with me! If I don’t
have the date, my clone, a.k.a.
associate Jamie can fill my shoes.
2. We have a little chat so you know I’m not an A.I. robot + I know you aren’t a Nigerian prince and I answer all your questions.
3. After digitally signing a contract and wiring bitcoin to my Swiss bank account (a joke ofc), it is officially booked! The retainer holds the date for only you. We also have special pricing for select preferred venues that we love.