Nick and Liz are like many couples these days – combining past lives for their future. With 4 energetic, adorable kids, there is plenty to do especially trying to plan a wedding as well. Nick is originally from Pennsylvania and Liz Colorado so they compromised with a Pennsylvania destination wedding but engagements in one of the beautiful locations that Colorado has to offer. Garden of the Gods is Colorado Springs’ must see location and with a view of Pikes Peak as well this was perfect.
Destination Wedding but Local Engagement
We decided to make our way to Kissing Camel’s parking lot to hike a bit down to get a good view of the Camel’s back the rock formation was named after. All of the littles were nice enough to be still for me for 5 seconds for a little family photo 😉 and then of course mushy, lovey mom and dad stuff (yuck right?) lol But when you have love like this with 4 kids you are serious, sit on the porch while we are old and wrinkly in love. 🙂 Take a look at what love looks like.