Last month, I was able to start taking newborn sessions again, after Colorado’s stay-at-home order changed to safer-at-home, and I was so excited. I seriously had baby fever so bad, you guys! I love newborns. That’s why newborn photography is my calling. So, going a few months without any baby cuddles was so hard. But then Callie came along. And then Luke. And my heart was full again! Both of these babies were actually two months old because we had to wait until it was safe to photograph them. Once the pandemic restrictions started easing, I was able to start taking newborn sessions again. But of course, there were a lot of changes I had to make first, in order to keep my clients and my family safe. I wanted to go over some of the COVID precautions I have been taking for newborn sessions.
Colorado Newborn Photography with COVID Precautions
One of the precautions I am taking with studio clients is checking everyone’s temperature. I got a special forehead thermometer just for the occasion! I also wear a mask and gloves for every one of my sessions. With newborns, I have to be hands-on to pose them so a mask, gloves, and hand sanitizer are my new tools of the trade! Speaking of hand sanitizer, I bring some to every session so it is available for everyone.
I will be washing all items used by my clients immediately after their session. This means props, outfits, wraps, and headbands all go in the washing machine or get a steam sanitizing cycle if they are not washer friendly. If clients come to my studio, I wipe down all surfaces before and after each session. I also only schedule one studio session per day to make sure there are no overlaps with my clients. Since newborn sessions happen indoors, there are extra precautions we need to take. Outdoor sessions work a bit differently but no matter where I photograph my clients, health and safety come first.