I love following my families through all of life’s journeys. With this amazing family, I was invited into their lives to photograph their engagement and then their wedding. A little bit later, they asked me back into their lives to photograph their newborn photos of Baby Reed. Then, I got to follow Baby Reed for his whole first year of life. Now, they are expecting their second child in July! Capturing milestone sessions is such an honor. In my opinion, it is the best way to watch your baby grow! When you are with your baby every day, the changes are sometimes so gradual that you don’t even notice them. You really have to take a step back to see how much they’ve changed in such a short amount of time. Milestone photos, capturing your baby as a newborn, at six months, and at one year is the perfect way to do that.
Watch Your Baby Grow!
Not only do you get to watch your baby grow up but long-distance family gets to as well. Photo albums from your baby’s first year are great gifts for grandparents and aunts and uncles. They make great gifts for your kids too! When your child gets a little older and asks about themselves as a baby, you can show them their whole first year of life. Kids love looking at themselves and talking about themselves! Lol. They love seeing what they were like before they could remember. These are memories they will keep with them their whole lives.
Milestone sessions are so much fun because you really get to see your baby’s personality develop over their first year. I especially love the first year sessions because you can start to envision them all grown up. They are getting so independent at that age and starting to run around and get into everything or even talk! At that age, they really are like tiny adults! It’s so cute!